
Monday, February 25, 2013

French Tarte February 23 and Dinner in Douglas

First there was Nemo and then an infected root canal, but after two weeks the French Tarte came roarin'back this past Saturday: a full table of goodies at 9am, by noon everything was gone; the croissants and pain au chocolate were gone by 10:15!

That evening, after a relaxing afternoon at home and amidst uncertain weather, we drove north to the wilds of Douglas, MA, for dinner with Dick and Dorothy. We even brought toothbrushes expecting freezing rain to lock us in for the night.

But the temperature remained steady and when we left for home it was just wet slush on the back roads until we hit route 146; the drive south to Providence was just rain.

On Sunday Susie taught a Financier and Madeleine class in the afternoon and I went to the RISD Museum for a piano concert in the grand gallery-- you can't imagine a more relaxing way to spend an afternoon. Sitting in the corner on a sofa, listening  to Benjamin Nacar work his magic and translate the wonders of Bach and Beethoven all the while letting my eyes wander across the paintings was truly a wonderful experience. And for Susie, her class is always enjoyable, helping others to find an outlet for their passion is one of the most gratifying things about being the French Tarte.

caramel nut tart

chausson aux pommes ready for the oven

bouchon, buttermilk cakes rolled in coriander-ginger sugar

apple cherry tart

sugar buns

chocolate ganache tart

lemon madeleines

pear-ginger financier

cocoa hazelnut financier
Can you imagine a Sunday meal any more perfect than potato-leek soup followed by roast beef, twice baked potatoes and green beans?! (And where did Dorothy find such exquisite beans this time of year is beyond me!)
Dorothy's potato-leek soup made with the last of the leeks from last year's garden!

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