
Monday, June 05, 2023

Nova Scotia to Maine

Cold and rainy (again) this Monday morning. We met up with Richard and Pauline in the hotel restaurant and said our good-byes; they had an airport shuttle to catch and we had many more miles to go on our way home to Michigan. We'll miss Pauline's quick wit and gentle sense of humor and Richard's canny ability to put the world in its proper context. Good friends are hard to come by these days and good traveling companions even more so. 

We were on the road by a little before 10am heading north to Moncton, New Brunswick where we switched to Rte 1 west to Saint John and on to the US border at Calais, Maine. The 4-lane roads were excellent and traffic was light -- indeed there were times we were the only car on the road -- but the persistent rain along with several quick stops slowed us by perhaps a half hour or so. 

Once across the border the road dropped to 2 lanes but we still sped along to Bangor, arriving at our hotel about 4pm (local time, 5pm Nova Scotia time). Susie texted her sister Joyce and we planned to meet for dinner at Mason's Brewery just across the Penobscot River in Brewer, ME. (We had probably come very near to the place on our way into greater Bangor.)

Susie and I arrived a bit early and grabbed a table, Joyce and Avery arriving a few minutes later. The meal was very good -- starters of crispy cauliflower and crunchy Brussel sprouts followed by a round of sandwiches and a salad for Susie. The conversation was warm and afterwards we drove to their house to pick up a few items we left there a week ago. It's hard to imagine it has only been a week and we have seen so many new and wonderful things; but then travel should be that way, don't you think?

Tomorrow will take us along very familiar territory: south on I-95 to I-495 to I-290 and to I-90 and the Mass Pike, ending in Albany for the night. Then it will be a long day's drive straight through to Grand Rapids.

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