
Monday, April 13, 2020

Self-isolating in Grand Rapids: week 4.5

Oh, the things we took for granted. . .

On his holidays, Norway, 1901, by John Singer Sargent
You know things are bad when the Weather Channel app adds a feature that gives you up-to-date Covid-19 information relative to your county. Sheesh.

So, the update from Michigan.

As of Sunday, the state reported nearly 24,000 cases and almost 1,400 deaths so far. Kent County, where we live, reported 270 confirmed cases, a 63% jump from last week and 13 deaths, a 550% increase from a week ago. And yet so many voices still cry out, "It can't happen here, let us get back to work." Very difficult choices lie ahead. Now all that's missing is an informed, compassionate federal leadership to help make them.

We made one outing this past week to get groceries at Meijers, cheese from the Cheese Lady and wine from Martha's near downtown. We also stopped briefly at Pilgrim Manor to drop a few things off for Susie's mom. Otherwise we've stayed inside, Susie playing with new (and old) recipes and me on the computer trying to locate the final resting place of Parisians long dead. . .

It's beginning to look like our upcoming summer road trip scheduled for June won't be happening. We had hoped to visit family and friends in New York, stop overnight in Rutland, VT, before heading to D & D's for a few nights. But I got an email yesterday (Saturday) from the Hilton property in Rutland where we had reservations informing me that we would not be allowed to stay there due to ongoing travel restrictions. It was pointed out that the state police were monitoring accommodations. Strange world, eh?

We trust you are well, safe and staying home. In the meantime, here's something you can smile about:

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