
Friday, June 22, 2001

Italy June 2001

 [22-23 June 2001, photos with white borders courtesy of Carl Bergman]

We returned to Italy in June of 2001 along with Susan's sister and her then-husband Carl to help them celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. The four of us spent two wonderful weeks, first in Tuscany and then in Rome.

After landing in Rome we picked up our car rental and drove to northern Lazio near the Tuscany border where we spent our first night at Il Voltone. Located out in the luscious countryside we enjoyed relaxing outside to rid ourselves of our jet lag.

After leaving Il Voltone we spent our first full day in Italy visiting Pitigliano where we picked up some of the delicious crisp white wine.


From Pitigliano it was on to one of the more unusual of hill towns in central Italy, Civita di Bagnoregio. Access is only by a footbridge and due to the unstable foundation the town suffers from occasional (and significant) erosion. We ate at a lovely little restaurant overlooking the bridge and town.

me, Joyce and Susie

walking into town


Susie and me

one of the few residents

she was set up with her easel in the restaurant painting the town

Next, we check into our lodging in Sinalunga!

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