
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paris to Providence, again

view of Westminster from our bedroom
Although it's still early in the season, we have the pleasure right now of looking out our bedroom window and seeing the one tree in Providence that seems bent on getting a jump on all the others for color change.

Well it's been nearly two weeks now since we returned from Paris, and as you know by now we are back in Providence, Rhode Island -- not to be confused of course with the "island of Rhodes," which really has little if anything to do with this story. Although truth be told I was on the island of Rhodes in the summer of 1972. Sadly I remember little of it, except I couldn't find the "colossus" so many earlier visitors talked about.

Work has pretty much dominated our lives since we've returned. Susie at Gracie's and me freelancing for Johnson & Wales University.  As for Susie she's starting to shift in the "new dessert menu for Fall" mode and is putting together some slam-bang ideas for tempting Providence palates.

There is good news though: Melissa, Joyce and Carl's middle daughter had her first baby, a son Lucas in South Carolina, and our friend Drea had her second child, a daughter Oriane in Brussels. We wish them all well and long and happy lives.

I hope to get our Paris dining guide online shortly -- I'll keep you posted on that.

In the meantime, I'll keep this short and sweet -- unlike many of my posts from Paris that seemed to go on and on and on . . . a malady my mother often described as having no remedy, at least not in my case. As the poetess in her often said,

"Some may come and some may go/but Steve goes on forever."

I love you mom and wish you an early happy birthday. (She was born on October 14, the same date as Dwight Eisenhower and used to get birthday cards from him when he was president.)

Take care and have a great fall. We'll be in touch soon. Naturally.


PS: Mom and Dad -

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