
Sunday, April 05, 2020

Self-isolating in Grand Rapids: week 3.5

Sarah Bernhardt, detail, 1876, by Georges Clairon
Michigan is now number three in the nation in number of Covid-19 cases and deaths: 14,225 cases confirmed with 540 deaths. Most grocery stores are trying to implement processes to limit the number of customers in the store at any given time but this must certainly be challenging for the big boxes like Meijers. For us, we plan to move to start using Shipt this coming week.

The past few days Susie has turned to making masks for us and prepping for a couple of upcoming pastry blog projects. If you haven't been following her projects so far, check out her website.

Tonight is family Zoom night so we'll be videoconferencing with Susie's siblings and our nieces and nephew this evening. The future of long-distance communication, perhaps? Anyway, it's worked well so far and makes us feel more connected with a larger world, no doubt about it!

rotisserie, outside a butcher shop, rue Mouffetard, Paris
Gotta end with a laugh. . . God knows we could all use one right now.

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