
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Detours, C and O Canal and a tower on South Mountain

Since Mannie had some work to do at the park -- actually he was interviewing a descendant of one of the families whose farm was smack in the middle of the battlefield -- Susie, Virginia and I decided it was too nice a day to be inside we we struck off to nearby Williamsport where we planned to walk a short section of the C and O Canal.

We left the car at Cushwa's Basin, where the canal boats used to turn around, and strolled a bit up the canal in the direction of Cumberland, Maryland.

It was a gorgeous day for a walk and we couldn't have picked a better place for it. I recalled with great fondness strolling a part of the canal down by Great Falls many years ago when I lived in Bethesda, Maryland. Anyway I thought it was slightly eerie to be walking in the middle the old canal acqueduct, now with one sidewall missing and dry as a bone. Plus it must have looked rather odd for passersbys in the days when the canal was a going concern to see a boat passing over a bridge spanning a river. . .

Here's just a short video clip to let you see what we saw:

So after we left the canal we drove back to Boonsboro. Just outside of town Virginia took us to the top of nearby South Mountain where we toured the tower there, in Washington Monument State Park.

(For you Francophiles note the English use of the verb "to tour" with tower -- something I learned this past winter, that "tour" is of course French for tower. Ah the oddities of language.)

Anyway here's a short clip from the top of the mountain and the "tour":

And this was all just during the morning! There's plenty more to come!


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