
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Still in a fog

It’s been incredibly foggy here for the past several days. Today we were going to drive up to Lubec – Susie’s day off – but the fog just stayed put. Of course there have been moments of beautiful blue sky and bright sun but you go inside for ten minutes and come back out and there is the fog rolling in. And this stuff takes a day or two to burn off. It lingers like smoke but without the smell – how do the fishermen go out in this stuff is what I what to know. How do they go out, do their thing, and find their way back without winding up in the Canary Islands. Beats me. (photo: sighting of the Schoodic wildebeest, in the fog.)

Gerrish’s has been pretty busy this past week – or rather it stays pretty busy through much of the day, but that’s old news by now. Rosemary continues to grill like a fiend and Susie continues to put out the standards: muffins, scones and coffee cakes but surprisingly enough lots of folks are eating her croissant d’amandes and her brioche d’amandes (photo below). And the crab rolls and lobster rolls are going out the door almost as fast as the staff can make them. Between Susie’s fresh-baked brioche rolls with a healthy dose of Rosemary’s lobster or crab salad, mmmmmm good!

As for me, well, I’ve reduced my hours to Friday’s only and only doing kitchen prep and making sandwiches. Too many headaches and way too much stress trying to manage the café while, uh, learning to manage the café. I do miss the customer interaction though. Oh, and I’m still on tap to run the wine shop when it opens sometime in early August. Stay tuned for that one. Since Gerrish’s is the only (free) internet connection in town I end up spending a fair amount of time there anyway, lingering over coffee and watching the human condition.

Speaking of being in a fog we are stumbling toward some sort of future plan. We finish here labor day and then hope to find a place to live – we’re leaning toward Providence, RI – and then it’s off to Paris so Susie can go back to work at Pascal’s for a month or so from the end of September to the end of October. I may only stay in Paris for a week or so and head off to Italy for a few days before returning to the US and begin (continue) the process of settling in. We’ll see.

Wish you were here,


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