
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day 2008

From what little news we glean off the Internet -- we don't have cable or a dish or TV in the strict sense of the term -- today, November 4, Tuesday, Election Day in the USA, is a historic occasion. Americans are either going to vote for continued fear, depression, recession, repression or they're going to vote for change, clear and simple.

If as a nation we vote for change -- and frankly I believe we will -- then Americans must be, must be ready to make changes that will be exceedingly painful and undoubtedly difficult: changes to our way of life, our way of living, our way of acting. If nothing else the recent and ongoing chaos in the global economy must show Americans that we act and react in harmony or disharmony with the rest of the world. What happens here and, equally important, what happens there, are tied together, inexorably and irrevocably.

If we vote for anything less then we will become a second-rate power with a corner on the market of self-absorption and self-destruction.

What any of this has to do with Siena, Florence, Paris or Providence escapes me at the moment. (photo: taken along the East Bay Bike Path in Providence, on Sunday, November 2.)

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