
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Clear Lake on Labor Day

It's been terribly humid and warm here in Grand Rapids for the past few days and Labor Day Monday was no exception to that trend but with the added bonus of a torrential downpour just as Susan, her mom and I were to leave for Clear Lake for a family gathering. So, we wisely sat out the rain  for a half hour or so, then headed north to Rockford and cottage by the lake.

As things turned out, rain notwithstanding, the day turned out to be really quite lovely, still warm and humid to be sure but with occasional cool breeze coming off the lake. And there was quite a group in attendance taking advantage of a bit of free time off from school and work to swim and hang out and just have fun. Laurie and Garrett's daughter Maria was there with a number of friends from school -- she just started at Kendall College of Design in Grand Rapids -- as well as Ten Have neighbors from Giddings Street, Jennifer, Claire, Scott and Scott's parents. Berenice was also there waiting for Joe.

Sadly Aunt Marian was out of commission for the day so we didn't get to see that smiling face among the group.

Between Jennifer and Laurie the grill got fired up at last and it wasn't long before a plate piled high with sausages was making it's way into the kitchen to join a huge plate of pulled chicken sandwiches. There were plenty of sweets, of course, with the French Tarte providing a large container of bouchon (little buttermilk cakes shaped like corks rolled in coriander sugar, a staple at Hope Artiste Village).

It was a wonderful day just to sit outside, sip chilled wine and enjoy being alive.


Grace and the guys

Ian formerly known as Gary

Laurie and Uncle John


Ruth from Giddings Street

Bernice, Susan's mom



Uncle John

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