
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Donald Wade Soper Jr. 1936-2016, my big brother

Faithful to all he loved. A good son, a good husband, a good father and brother. He was in all things a good man and an even better Marine. We didn't see much of each other these past years and we rarely spoke on the phone. Those few times we did chat he was always solicitous of my health and concerned about me and my life.

He was the last person alive who has known me since I was born and part of my life, my world died with him today.

Brothers: Steve & Don Jr., Champaign, IL, c. 1962
Don and friends, Decatur, IL, c. 1945?
Viet Nam
Steve, Don and cousin Cheryl Hinman, Springfield, IL, c. 1953?
Brothers: Steve and his protector (Don Jr of course), c. 1952?
Don Jr., c. 1939?

Don Jr., c. 1938?

Don Jr., c. 1938?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Marian Van Halsema Ten Have

Our lovely Aunt Marian Van Halsema Ten Have passed away this morning. She was 85 years old. You would have been hard pressed to find a more vivacious, funnier person  than Marian. She was well-loved, widely liked and her wit and charm were enjoyed by all who knew her.

Rest now and be at peace, you've earned it. . . 

You'll always have a spot in our hearts.  

Love, Steve & Susan

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Don and Helen Soper Wedding Anniversary April 6, 1958

It's not everyone who can say they had the pleasure of being at their parent's wedding.

Of course, you can make the argument that Don and Helen were not, as a couple, technically my parents. Don was my dad but Helen Bork Jones was my stepmother, although I never thought of her that way. She was always my mother. Maybe because she always treated me like her son.

Happy 58th anniversary, Mom and Dad!

wedding day

Mom and Dad with Grandma Bork

Grilling out with friends at 510 S. Victor, Champaign

Visting the Watts family in Colordao Springs, c. 1963

Christmas and our first dog Sandy

1817 Crescent Drive, Champaign

510 S. Victor, Champaign

315 Westlawn, Decatur

Friday, April 01, 2016

My last day at Johnson & Wales

Yesterday was my last day of work. At Johnson & Wales University that is. There will always be something to occupy my time, of course, but will it be "work" as such? I'm not even sure what I did for the past 6 years or so could qualify as "work." I enjoyed what I did and I like to think I was fairly good at my job (managing an image library). But we moved to Michigan (nearly eleven months ago) and my days have always been numbered as a result.

It was both a pleasure and an honor to work with several genuinely nice, intelligent, hardworking people. I won't embarrass them by naming them here nor will I humiliate those who were less than pleasant, who were petty, soul-crushing spirits who had no thought of anything but themselves and certainly the last thing on their mind was working together with anyone else. To you I have nothing to say but good riddance.

To those other folks, that handful of men and women -- they know who they are -- who made my stay there just a bit easier, a bit more interesting and often a bit more fun thank you so much from the bottom of my heart (and the top, too).

Safe travels to you and remember, life is short.